Wishes are bad, that's what I was always taught. Like magic.
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a sick little girl goes to ny to meet caleb and sophia for her make a wish trip.. http://www.kmph.com/category/170789/video-landing-page?clipid=11142038&autostart=true.
i don't want to make too much comment as there is an innocent and poorly young girl at the heart of this but i do have to wonder what the purpose of the parents courting the media's attention over this really was..
Wishes are bad, that's what I was always taught. Like magic.
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i thought we needed carpenters and plumbers in paradise...oh well... the hypocrisy.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territoryre: experienced attorneys and paralegals needed at bethel.
dear brothers:.
I think another reason they prefer JW over non-JW lawyers is because they can pressure/intimidate them to do things that a worldly lawyer would refuse to do for ethical or legal reasons. A loyal JW knows that Ceasars laws should never trump what Jehover wants. Plus they probably don't want non-JWs getting such an up close view of their shenanigans. Wouldn't want to bring reproach on the org.
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ever had this thought about an upcoming movie?.
and then i would feel guilty for putting my entertainment desires ahead of god's kingdom.. .
Heck I remember hoping the big A wouldn't hit before Star Trek the Motion Picture came out. 1979. Cause my parents had already assured me I would never graduate high school.
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i was having an issue only with the captcha part of signing in.
i was using the swype keyboard and kept getting rejected - the verify icon wouldn't light up.
i switched to the standard keyboard for ios and voila!
i was having an issue only with the captcha part of signing in.
i was using the swype keyboard and kept getting rejected - the verify icon wouldn't light up.
i switched to the standard keyboard for ios and voila!
My issue on my iPad is that I have to log in every time I come to the site. Ticking the "I am not on a public computer" checkbox does nothing. Anyone else have this problem?
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aawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
Very juvenile. Way to feed their persecution complex.
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no apologies.
we received this link through an email chain.
not too sure what the purpose is....it's mostly about food.. .
Look at us, just having fun doing normal stuff. Cult? Nope, not us. We are regular folks, honest!
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i was unable to find any details on this on jwfacts, anyone have details on the wt not being a religion so they could instead own property?.
They called themselves an educational organization, not a religion. They could not sing at the meetings. They made up some bogus story about how the evil government was persecuting them.
I don't have any references, but this is fairly well known.
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this is what wt has been producing, this had my bottom jaw on the carpet while i was watching (like the footloose one).
and they say there different from other religions yeah right!!.
i hope this link works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vahglagd2i.
This is just unreal. There is no way something like this would have been done 20 years or so ago. What really puzzles me is, why now? It seems like a harmless way to make being a JW half way fun, and it costs the Borg nothing. Why was it never even considered or allowed in days past? Are they doing a test run, see what happens? Or maybe their outside advisors were smart enough to come up with it.
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